historic tax credits
Many states provide tax incentives for the restoration of historic buildings. This serves the dual purpose of helping to revitalize older parts of town and discourage the demolition of historic resources. Requirements vary, but adherence to The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation is generally the key to a successful application.

Photographic requirements weigh heavily on thorough documentation of the property, both before any work begins and after all construction is completed. Pre-renovation photographs must show historic elements and details which should be preserved as well as areas which may have already lost their historic features. Post-renovation photos should show the preservation of historic elements and how they are integrated into new construction. Documentation for a tax credit application will often require hundreds of photographs for each phase of work.

Projects in this category include:

Empire State Building; New York City, New York
3 Herald Square; New York City, New York
BMA Tower/One Park Place; Kansas City, Missouri
Albert Pike Hotel; Little Rock, AR
Fidelity Bank Building; Kansas City, Missouri
First National Bank Building/IOOF Hall; Hiawatha, Kansas
Federal Reserve Building; Kansas City, Missouri
President Hotel; Kansas City, Missouri
Western Auto Building; Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City Cold Storage Building; Kansas City, Missouri
Logan Hotel; Omaha, Nebraska

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